Behavior Driven Development – Enlaces


Tiene un enlace a Introducing BDD, cual me parece completo y sencillo de entender.

Thomas Lundström tiene mas información y adicionalmente como integrar Cucumber en .NET usando IronRuby 0.9

Previously, I’ve made some trial shots of running Cucumber under IronRuby
to interact with .NET applications, and made a session in an Oresund
ALT.NET Open Space around it. The feeling at that time was that
IronRuby unfortunately was way too immature to be used effectively in a
production environment. During the spring and summer, however, it seems
as if the IronRuby team has been working hard on both performance and
functionality, giving us a 0.9 release a week ago.

Aqui hay una herramienta semi TDD y BDD (lo llaman BDT), Pyccuracy. Algo abstracto.

Esta entrada fue publicada en Informática e Internet. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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